Tinnitus is the sensation of hearing a continuous ringing sound in your ears, but the sound can also be a hissing, buzzing, ringing, whistling or clicking sound that can vary in terms of loudness and pitch. People with Tinnitus usually have subjective Tinnitus or Tinnitus, which only they can hear in one or both ears. If not treated or managed correctly, Tinnitus can affect the quality of your life as it can cause several obstacles which can hinder your daily activities. Stress, fatigue, sleeping problems, cognitive decline, depression and headaches are some of the complications of Tinnitus. What Causes Tinnitus? It is still unknown why Tinnitus occurs, but doctors believe several factors are working behind it. The few possible causes of Tinnitus include pressure in the inner ear, emotional and cognitive factors, changes in the nervous system and parts of the brain and loss of sensory hair cells. Several health factors s...